I know that the standard policy in Ubuntu is to offer the upgrade from an old LTS to a new one when the new LTS reaches .1, i.e., 16.04.1, but well…
I upgraded my 14.04 in several machines, and I can signal these almost show-stopper problems (workaround exists for all of them, though):
on […]
I do not know you, but me (as an engineer) use Greek letters like α, β, γ and so on quite often. I did a small change to my linux keyboard layout: the new part in the keyboard symbols files now is
partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols “standard_tlde” { include “es(basic)” key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, […]
PPAs are really a great thing in Ubuntu: they allow you to have quite recent programs without upgrading all your system; most Ubuntu users use them extensively.
They have just one problematic side — the havoc that can happen on an upgrade. You see, when you upgrade your system, PPAs are disabled, but the program […]
Ok, so I am a computer dinosaur. I still use xfig for much of my drawings, although I recon it is a program from the old century…
Unfortunately, after the recent upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04, a nasty bug surfaced in xfig: a crash whenever you try to draw point-dashed lines.
Fortunately, the launchpad user madHamish […]
Or: how to define a programmer-friendl(er) Spanish keyboard. …and you can add Greek, too!
A bit of history
There was a time when the computers all had the same keyboard — basically, the US one. You really do not need any more; the set of characters that could be represented where, after all, just the […]
This is (I think) the correct way of doing what I tried to do with an extension. My objective was to reduce a bit the size of the gnome shell top bar, and especially the font size.
The correct way is to use a “user” theme. What I did is to create […]
One of the thing I never got to understand is why the Gnome desktop do not have the option (present in KDE) to use the content of a directory to randomly pick an image for the “wallpaper” of the desktop.
There are a lot of solution outside, but I would like to share with you […]
So, you have a (big) collection of photo, and you want to rapidly browse trough them and select a subset for further consideration for, for example, printing or editing them. What I would like was that, while in the image viewer, with a simple key press I could copy the file to another, pre-chosen directory. […]
NOTE: this only works for Gnome 2. For Gnome 3, see an update here… What it is:
a thumbnail is the little image that Nautilus (the file manager of Gnome) shows to represent the file. Most of file types has a standard thumbnailer, and you see a representation of the file such as a […]
Just found out that the task of adding a new application for a new file-type on gnome (so that I can run it by double click, or from the mail client on an attachment, is easier than I suspected.
The problem: my bank send me my account information in files that are managed by an […]