Pizza + Mercadona = ?

foto de una pizza decente

(Disclaimer: no estoy asociado con Mercadona de ninguna manera. Voy a hacer la compra allí y en otros muchos sitios, pero este está cerca de casa…)

Sí, es posible obtener una pizza decente (decente — por supuesto no va a ser cómo una pizza hecha en horno de leña) con tu compra del […]

Make your own beamer style: ducks!

It is that moment in time when someone (maybe yourself!) decide it’s time to change the style of the presentations… and they send you a (more or less) nice PowerPointTM  template.

Obviously, you want it in LaTeX — to use all your nice math or TikZ drawing: let’s see how can design your beamer […]

Playing with Jupyter and Darktable db… which focal lens do I like more?

I am trying to embed a full Jupyter notebook here… it should be more or less auto-explicative. Please comment if you need help!

Ok, so now: what new nice prime lens should I buy?

explore_data /*! * * Twitter Bootstrap * */ /*! * Bootstrap v3.3.7 ( * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. […]

Notes on upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04

I know that the standard policy in Ubuntu is to offer the upgrade from an old LTS to a new one when the new LTS reaches .1, i.e., 16.04.1, but well…

I upgraded my 14.04 in several machines, and I can signal these almost show-stopper problems (workaround exists for all of them, though):

on […]

xkcd color list for LaTeX users…

Update: there is a version on github now, and I submitted it to CTAN…

After reading the (very) fun post about colors name at xkcd, I decided to create a small package to add the color list to my LaTeX documents…

After circumventing a small bug in xcolor, and ten lines of python, I […]

A new nice trick for the Linux keyboard: greek letters

New layout for my Spanish keyboard

I do not know you, but me (as an engineer) use Greek letters like α, β, γ and so on quite often. I did a small change to my linux keyboard layout: the new part in the keyboard symbols files now is

partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols “standard_tlde” { include “es(basic)” key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, […]


hearth-shaped eclipse

I suppose that everyone and their cat has eclipse shots this days… but I think this is a bit different:

I was shooting the March 20, 2015 eclipse (in Madrid) through a tree, and as a test I tried to focus on the tree silhouette instead — and that was the result. The normal, […]

Managing PPAs in Ubuntu: a couple of useful scripts.

PPAs are really a great thing in Ubuntu: they allow you to have quite recent programs without upgrading all your system; most Ubuntu users use them extensively.

They have just one problematic side — the havoc that can happen on an upgrade. You see, when you upgrade your system, PPAs are disabled, but the program […]

Quick fix xfig bug

Ok, so I am a computer dinosaur. I still use xfig for much of my drawings, although I recon it is a program from the old century…

Unfortunately, after the recent upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04, a nasty bug surfaced in xfig: a crash whenever you try to draw point-dashed lines.

Fortunately, the launchpad user madHamish […]

The perfect lens kit…

…does not exist, of course. But I think I have found mine; at least for my balance (as an amateur) among portability, flexibility and quality.

I am an amateur photographer; I do not sell photos (apart from some wet dream), and my needs are to produce photos for my family in the form of a […]