ComputersXfig thumbnailers with Gnome3/Nautilus3

Ok, after the upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 and the switch to Gnome 3, I discovered that my nice xfig thumbnailers stopped working. After a bit of struggle, I discovered why. The “gconf”  mechanism of  Gnome2 is being phased out, so now there is another way (simpler, when you know it) of doing the same thing.

Basically, you have to drop into /usr/share/thumbnailers (I tested with the $HOME/.local/share/thumbnailers to make the thing user-installable, but to no avail) a file of this kind:

[Thumbnailer Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/xfig-thumb -s %s %i %o

with extension .thumbnailer … and it’s all.

I prepared a new package that should work in Gnome 2 and Gnome 3, but I have tested it only in Gnome 3. The main difference now is that you need to install/deinstall it using “sudo”. Please read the README.txt file in the package…

Download XFig thumbnailer package for Gnome3

Title: xfig-thumbnailer3.tar.gz (0 click)
Filename: xfig-thumbnailer3-tar.gz
Size: 3 KB

3 comments to Xfig thumbnailers with Gnome3/Nautilus3

  • AbsoluteVoshka

    I have alot of CHM’s. Tried to convert em all using chm2pdf but the output wasn’t all that satisfying. Could this work for chm files?
    also are there any screenshots/tutorials of how this works? Im using debian squeeze.. Thanks in advance

  • romano

    AbsoluteVoshka: I am sorry I do not understand the question. This post is about a recipe to have a new type of thumbnail images — nothing to do with CHM files.

  • Marco

    Did you ever think about doing thumbnails for web links?

    A web link is a file (*.desktop) with the following structure:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Link para Mercado de Trabalho
    Name[pt_BR]=Mercado de Trabalho

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